Institute of Legal and Policy Research


Education Support

ILPR actively advocates for professional education by connecting intellectual Afghans with recipients who are in dire need. The right to education is a foundational principle crucial for societal progress and individual empowerment. This commitment entails ensuring that education is not only universally accessible but also freely available, particularly at the elementary and fundamental stages. Recognizing the transformative potential of professional education for employment, ILPR emphasizes the importance of compulsory elementary education as a cornerstone for intellectual and personal development. Our work in Public Awareness, Advocacy, Research Initiatives, Governance and Public Policy, Projects, and Society Initiatives covers diverse crucial areas, including support for differently-abled persons, women's empowerment, child protection, legal assistance, sustainable development goals, e-governance, intellectual property rights, environment, health and well-being, trade facilitation, agriculture, human rights, training courses, internship opportunities, scholarship programs, soft skills development, digital marketing courses, research skills enhancement, and publications.

Beyond basic education, the principles of equal opportunity extend to technical and professional education, aiming to foster a society where individuals can acquire specialized skills and knowledge. Higher education, as a gateway to advanced learning, must be equally accessible to everyone based on merit, promoting a meritocratic system that values talent and dedication without discrimination.

The overarching goal of education transcends the mere transmission of knowledge; it is directed toward the holistic development of the human personality. This involves instilling a profound respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, nurturing a generation of individuals who not only understand their rights but also uphold them in practice. Education serves as a powerful tool for fostering global harmony by encouraging understanding, tolerance, and friendship among diverse nations, races, and religious groups. ILPR remains dedicated to championing these principles and actively contributing to the advancement of education in Afghanistan.

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